Die zauberhafte Welt von Maileg

Collection: The magical Maileg World

With a lot of imagination and attention to detail, the Danish company Maileg creates a whole world around their mice, teddys & rabbits. A whole extended family with grandparents, parents and children. From the big siblings, to the little siblings, to the babies. Various professions that one might need, king and queen, prince and princess and a large variety of accessories complete the offer.
I don't know about you, I would have loved it as a child and I'm happy about the great popularity of these magical creatures among my little customers. With a recommendation from the age of three, I have also made a two-year-old customer happy who is already well equipped with these mice and, as I have been told, plays wonderfully with them.

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Price: €0 – €268
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208 products

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208 products